Karlie's Blog

Blog Post 2

Among all the options of topics for this Blog, Open Pedagogy stood out to me because I hadn’t heard of it before. After a brief google search, I still wasn’t sure whether the approach was robust enough to really warrant its classification as a style of teaching or learning. So …

Blog Post 1

Experimenting with Assessment “How many marks is this worth?”“Will this be part of our grade?”“Is this good enough to get a B?” In my relatively short time as a classroom teacher, I have undoubtedly seen the symptoms of grade fixation described by Alfie Kahn in the video “Why Grades Shouldn’t …


Welcome, and thank you for perusing my blog! The first thing that comes to mind as I write is that I should really be outside right now! Hot July days such as this are meant for beach-lounging, hiking, ice-cream eating, and all the learning that can only happen when you …

Digital Escape Rooms in the ELA Classroom

By Karlie and Amber Introduction Escape rooms provide fun and engaging opportunities for people to exercise their problem solving skills while working together with others. Based on their recreational popularity, escape rooms seem to be intrinsically motivating, at least for some. When engagement intersects with intellectual challenge, as seems to …


When in doubt, sketch it out. I wish I had learned about sketchnoting closer to the beginning of my University career. While I often incorporated drawings into my notes, I never considered the possibilities of sketchnoting as a specific method of notetaking. Throughout school I have found notetaking to be …